Waynes Stiles Posts

3 Timely Galilee Reminders from Jesus to Empower Your Life - Wayne Stiles

Written by Admin | Jan 22, 2019 6:04:15 AM

When Jesus taught, His content came across like no other teacher in history. He taught with authority and compassion, but His words gave more than information.

(Photo: Sower’s Cove by the Sea of Galilee. Courtesy of the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands)

Galilee gave stage to Jesus’ life—from His early years in Nazareth to His latter years in Capernaum. During His ministry these places also played a role to offer several timely reminders.

Jesus’ teaching did much more than dispense facts. He taught to empower us with truth that could transform our lives.

Here are 3 examples.

Reminder 1 at the Sea of Galilee

The same day the religious leaders revealed they would reject Jesus, He walked to the Sea of Galilee—perhaps to the cove above. The cove has amazing acoustical properties and allows for many hundreds to hear a lone voice on the shoreline.

Jesus began teaching in parables in order to:

  • reveal truth to those interested in hearing
  • conceal truth from those who would reject it

Why hide truth? Concealing truth showed mercy, for the more revelation rejected comes greater condemnation. Jesus’ parables give us a principle that God reveals more truth when our hearts are willing to hear it and obey it (Matt. 13).

Reminder 2 at Nazareth

Jesus came home to Nazareth and His townsfolk took offense at His teaching. Christ said a prophet is not accepted in his own hometown. Why not? Familiarity breeds contempt.

But that’s not all.

(Photo: Nazareth today. Courtesy of the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands)

For those of us who love Jesus, familiarity can also breed ignorance. For many of us, there’s not a story about Christ we haven’t heard. Our quest as Christians is often to know more, not to grow more.

Too often, we chase after information more than transformation.

As we read the gospel stories about Christ, let’s resist the urge to think we’ve “got it” because we know it—when the goal instead is to live it.

Reminder 3 at the Plain of Bethsaida

The “secluded place” Jesus retreated to likely was this large plain along the northeast shore of the Sea of Galilee. Here He told His disciples to give the crowd of thousands something to eat—an impossible task with only five loaves and two fish.

(Photo: Plain of Bethsaida. Courtesy of the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands)

We will always find life and ministry impossible to accomplish. There is never enough money, time, energy, or people to accomplish the impossible tasks before us.

But the Lord means that we bring what we DO have to Him in dependence, and He multiplies our meager resources to meet the needs in abundance.

These timely reminders can empower us if we apply them today.


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