No other place on earth can compare. The Holy Land is where God’s biblical story took place. You have to experience the lands of the Bible yourself to understand how life-transforming it truly is. Now you can.

(Photo: The Sea of Galilee. Courtesy of the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands)
This special tour of the lands of the Bible is designed to take you beyond the places most tours to Israel see. We’ll even experience the biblical sites of Jordan!
Perfect for someone returning to Israel to see brand new places—or for the first-timer who wants to experience the Holy Land in a unique and fulfilling way. This exclusive, one-bus tour promises a more personal, curated experience. We’ll explore sites that large groups just can’t see—sites that most tours sidestep.
You’ll see places like:
- Petra, Mount Nebo, and Machaerus in Jordan
- Beersheba, the Negev, and the places of Israel’s wilderness wandering
- Sites around the Sea of Galilee, such as Gamla, Hippos, Chorazin, and Magdala
- And then there’s Jerusalem!
This tour is designed with you in mind. My goal is to transform the foreign places into familiar friends.

(Photo: The Treasury facade at Petra, Jordan)
Reserve Your Place Now
You will learn the Word of God right where it happened—with Bible in hand. After seeing where the biblical events occurred, you will never read your Bible the same way again!
I have put together a complete page to show you the wonderful itinerary this tour offers.
Click to see all the details (including the early-bird special rate).
I would love to have you join me!