Years ago, my grandmother’s 1909 house got a fresh layer of wallpaper. But only weeks later, I noticed in a high corner the wallpaper had buckled, and in some places, it had even split.

(My grandmother’s house, built in 1909)
When I asked her about it she said: “Oh, the house needs foundation work. Every time the seasons change and the wind blows a different direction, the whole house shifts.”
That made sense. For years I shaved inches off most of the doors trying to get them to close. But the repair only lasted until the wind shifted again.
Look closely at the lives of your friends and family. Maybe even your own life.
You’ll see this old house’s problem in vivid display.
Foundation Problems Affect Everything
The choice to fix foundation problems always costs. But so does ignoring them.
When I remember my grandmother’s old house, I remember Jesus’ words:
Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand . . . the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great was its fall. —Matthew 7:26–27
Hearing God’s Word, but failing to follow it, is like papering over the cracks of a bad foundation. Sounds silly, but we see it all the time:
- When one marriage hits the rocks, another follows with little more success.
- When one obsession or addiction seems conquered, in its place comes one more of equal destruction.
- Job after job, church after church, relationship after relationship—when the walls of lives get wrinkled or ripped apart, the solution seems simply to paper over the tear with a fresh print and start over.
The problem, of course, lies not in the wallpaper, the walls, or even the wind. These remain but symptoms of the real problem: a poor foundation.

(My grandmother’s house had to fix foundation problems.)
Our Favorite Foundation is Faulty
I’ll never forget the sobering statistic I read from the Barna Group years ago:
The basis of people’s moral and ethical decisions these days is more likely to be feelings and less likely to be the Bible. —Barna Group
The problem here?
God never intended feelings to guide us. Instead, they betray us. (Tweet that.)
- When the devil tempted the first woman to disobey, the cunning serpent appealed to emotion by discrediting God’s Word (Genesis 3:4-6).
- When we doubt God’s truth—or simply stay unaware of it—we have nothing left to base our decisions on but emotion and common sense—both inadequate as foundations.
When we make decisions based on any other foundation but God’s Word—not simply morality, but real, biblical truth—we sit at the mercy of any wind’s whim. No marriage will endure, no salary will satisfy, no job, church, or relationship will last.
How can they, when we base them on feelings that constantly shift?
How to Fix Foundation Problems in Your Life
Got some cracks in your spiritual life? In key relationships? Don’t paper over them. Work to fix foundation problems.
If you choose to invest time in the Bible and apply its life-changing truths, you will live like those of whom Jesus spoke:
Everyone who hears these words of mine, and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the rock. —Matthew 7:24-25
The decision to fix foundation problems always costs. But so does ignoring them.
Fix the Your Spiritual Foundation With a Scripture Reading Plan
Join this year-long interactive study of the New Testament & Proverbs that includes maps, photographs, and virtual tour videos that helps bring context and meaning to Scripture. Learn more:
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