How do you deal with bad days? In the midst of those moments, it’s easy to feel like things will never get better. The emotion clouds our perspective.

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When our daughters were toddlers, my wife would read them Judith Viorst’s wonderful little book, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. Poor little Alexander had a bad day not because bad things happened. As it turns out, those things happen to everybody. It was a problem of perspective.
When we look at our lives, we tend to rubberneck the wrong direction.
Ultimately, our problem is with God. But we don’t say that. We’ll point to people as the reason pain lurks in our lives. Parents, bosses, children, spouses, and even the devil has his part to play. If God would only bring relief, all would be well.
It’s a problem of perspective, not of circumstance. We need God’s perspective.
Your Day Doesn’t Define Your Life
Consider this question King David asked:
How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? —Psalm 13:1
You think David was having a bad day? Sooner or later, David’s question finds its way to the lips of all of us. But is how David felt—but it isn’t what he believed. We often feel what we don’t believe, don’t we? That’s our tension. Putting our faith in front of our feelings.

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One problem is that the present pain seems so very permanent. We want immediate relief from the Lord or we immediately lose heart. We focus only on our lousy life. We need to look to God’s perspective.
God’s Perspective for You
The funk you’re in today isn’t permanent.
- The argument you had with your spouse doesn’t define your marriage. God’s perspective says you should see where selfish hearts can choose to serve instead.
- The ticket you got doesn’t make you a bad driver. God’s perspective helps you see the value in justice, even when you’re the recipient of it.
- The sinful thought you had (or acted on) doesn’t mean you’re unsaved. God’s perspective reminds you that you were saved by grace—not because of your own righteousness.
Choose that Your Day Does Not Define Your Life
One-off flubs are just that. But daily decisions to continue in the one-offs will add up. Those days eventually can define you—in that they set the course for your life’s direction. Little choices add up, so make them good choices—even when you blow it.
Determine to learn from your mistakes.
- When you fail, confess it. Admit it. Repent of it—and move on.
- Don’t wallow in the guilt or allow shame to convince you you’re worthless, or it’s hopeless, and you needn’t even try to do it different next time.
- Have the courage to ask someone’s advice about your life. Then have the courage to truly consider taking the advice.
Never give up, and I mean never. Ever! Your day doesn’t have to define your life.
Look to God’s perspective.
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