When I took a survey of my blog readers in 2014, the results of that survey were very telling of who you are. For example, I learned that most subscribers signed up for one of two reasons.

(Photo: By Aleksi Tappura. Courtesy of Unsplash.com)
Most of you subscribed for the convenience of getting my posts automatically sent to you. Others sign up for my free e-book I give to all who subscribe.
But you also received something else when you subscribed.
I prayed for you.
I Pray for Every Subscriber (Here’s How)
Whenever someone subscribes, I get a notification in my inbox. As soon as I see it, I take a moment and pray for that person. If he or she included their first name when they signed up, I pray for them by name.
Also, the survey I mentioned asked the typical survey stuff, of course. But I also asked you to share with me what your greatest struggle is right now. This helps me do two things:
- It gives me ideas of posts to write.
- It gives me specifics of how to pray for you.
I Pray for All Readers Generally (and Specifically as I Can)
I’m always amazed at the needs expressed. Here are a few of the more than 100 responses I got:
- Having faith versus fear and wondering if I’ve missed God’s plan for me
- Learning to be fully satisfied in God
- Possible divorce or separation after 30 years of marriage
- Knowing what God wants me to do with my life
- Loneliness
- Salvation of loved ones
- Dealing with my husband’s illness
Thank You, Google
Google probably never knew they were providing me a prayer list. But they do it every day. Once a day or so, I’ll look at the “Real Time” window of Google Analytics, which shows me which pages people are reading at that moment—as well as where they are in the world. (Pretty cool.)
For example, as I was writing this post, someone from Winder, Georgia, was reading my post on How to Deal with Jerks in Your Life. (See below.)
Whenever I see someone reading a particular post, I pray for that person and for that particular need.

(From Google Analytics “Real Time” Overview)
Why I Share This With You
I share all this with you so you know why I write this blog. I hope to encourage you in every way to grow closer to God through Jesus Christ—by connecting the Bible and its lands to life.
I do that through writing, sure.
But I also pray for you.
Tell me what you think: How I can pray for you? To leave a comment, just click here.