Thanks for your interest in journeying to the Holy Land with me.
Everyone who journeys to Israel experiences a wonderful, spiritual journey full of encouragement and biblical insight. I want to help make that same connection for you. I invite you to join me for a life-changing journey to Israel!

(Sunrise over Jerusalem. Courtesy of the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands)
Recent and Upcoming Tours
Here are my recent and current upcoming tours. Feel free to click each link and look around at the exciting itinerary. I hope you’ll join us!
Holy Land Tour of Key Biblical Sites
March 16–26, 2018
This tour SOLD OUT
Holy Land Tour Including Biblical Jordan and Petra
October 18–29, 2018
This tour is SOLD OUT
Holy Land Tour of Major Biblical Sites
March 1–12, 2019

Mount Arbel overlooking the Sea of Galilee
Enjoy a magnificent overview of sites from both the Old and New Testament. On this tour, I will help you connect the Bible and its lands to your life every time we stop—and all along the way.
You will learn the Word of God right where it happened—with Bible in hand. After seeing where Jesus ministered, you will never read your Bible the same way again!
If you’d like to be the FIRST to know about upcoming tours, sign up below!
Feel free to contact me or leave a comment below. Thanks!