We live in a world of sound bites, one-liners, and Tweets, where witty, quick, and cutting quotes elbow their way to the front of the line. But often, nobody remembers them.

(Photo by Photodune)
The recent passing of Yogi Berra reminded me the enduring power of quotes. Berra had some great ones, didn’t he? Many almost sounded proverbial.
The future ain’t what it used to be. —Yogi Berra
Of course, we have no better source of wise quotes than the Bible. We could cite it all week and still fail to mention all the great quotes! But we have other quotes that have inspired us outside of God’s Word.
What is your favorite quote? Take 60 seconds and click here to tell me what great quote(s) have inspired you most (other than Scripture).
- You could include those that have helped you personally, professionally, or spiritually. Feel free to list a couple.
- Be sure to include who said it.
In an upcoming post, I’ll summarize your top quotes and include my own list of favorites.
Okay, go!
Tell me what you think: What great quotes have inspired you most (other than Scripture)? To leave a comment, just click here.