How an Awesome Creation Can Help with Your Struggles

The awesomeness of creation exists as more than beauty for us to observe. In spite of the chaos in our culture, the world screams order in its origin. It also speaks peace to us in our moments of struggle.

Apply the Wisdom of Creation to Your Struggles

(Photo courtesy of Unsplash)

Our world’s predictable seasons and trustworthy laws of nature reveal wisdom in its design. The wisdom of creation we see is explained in the Bible we read. Wisdom played such an integral role in creation that the author of Proverbs 8 personifies it as a person present with God:

Before the hills I was brought forth . . . When He established the heavens, I was there . . . When He marked out the foundations of the earth; then I was beside Him, as a master workman. —Proverbs 8:25–33

God’s wisdom displayed in the wonders we see also proves His wisdom in all areas of life.

Including the painful ones.

The Wisdom We See Points to the Unseen

God created the world with wisdom. We only need to look to see it:

  • The majesty of a mountain
  • The depths and beauty of the ocean
  • The limits of our atmosphere and the seeming limitlessness of space
  • The unity and complexity of an atom
  • The ability of our bodies to heal themselves

All these serve to point us heavenward like a steeple’s spire.

The Obligation from Creation

(Photo courtesy of Unsplash)

Too much of our time is spent trying to chart God on a grid and too little is spent allowing our hearts to feel awe. By reducing Christian spirituality to formula, we deprive our hearts of wonder. —Donald Miller

Apply the Wisdom You See to Areas You Can’t See

The wisdom of creation points to the Creator and, specifically, to His wisdom in all areas of life.

  • God used this precise argument centuries earlier to convince a miserable Job of a wisdom that surpassed all human understanding—and one that justified, amazingly, all human suffering (see Job 38:1–38; 40:1–5).
  • Paul would use this argument centuries later to teach that the creation we see points to the invisible attributes of God, namely “His eternal power and divine nature” (Romans 1:20).

The Obligation from Creation

Along with this revelation comes an obligation. This is why after holding up creation as proof of God’s wisdom, the book of Proverbs turns the implications of the wisdom of creation on us: “Now therefore, O sons, listen to me, for blessed are they who keep my ways” (Proverbs 8:32).

In short, the awesome creation demands we trust the Creator. Even when it makes no sense to our brains.

In our limited perspective, we may find it easy to doubt God’s way of running the universe (or, more specifically, His way of running our lives). But if we really believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the wisest man who ever lived, we will do whatever He says.

Not because we understand, but precisely because we don’t.

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