Waynes Stiles Posts

Your Priorities—Do You Recognize the Warning Signs?

Written by Wayne Stiles | Sep 20, 2012 4:01:30 AM

I’ll never forget the day the air conditioner went out in my car. Although summer wouldn’t officially begin for another two weeks, for me, it officially began that day.

(Photo: Sunset over Joppa, where Jonah boarded a ship to flee from God.)

The blistering Texas highway winds reminded me of Jonah, the pouting prophet who sulked in the sun with a scorching wind on his head.

There’s nothing like losing your creature comforts to put a little perspective on our priorities.

Jonah Panics, then Prays, then Preaches, then Pouts

Jonah was no more excited to go tell an enemy about God than you or I would be, for the Assyrians ruthlessly butchered Jonah’s people.

We remember his story which began at Joppa.

  • Jonah panicked—but God rescued him with the fish.
  • Jonah prayed—and again, God commanded him to preach.
  • Jonah preached—and what he feared would happen did. Nineveh repented God forgave them.
  • Jonah pouted—and God taught him a lesson by taking away his shade and air-conditioning.

Finally, the Lord applied the lesson to Jonah:

You had compassion on the plant for which you did not work, and which you did not cause to grow, which came up overnight and perished overnight. And should I not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city? —Jonah 4:10-11

Jonah’s creature comforts became a higher priority than people repenting and believing in God. Shade meant more than a whole city turning to the Lord!

We shake our heads at pitiful Jonah—until we realize he recorded his blunder for us (Romans 15:4).

This Isn’t about Jonah, You Know

I hate to admit it, but I often find myself more concerned with my creature comforts than with the gospel. Talk about misplaced priorities!

Here are a few warning signs that our creature comforts have replaced our priorities:

I thought about Jonah a lot that hot summer. I also thought about my priorities.

God’s solution for Jonah, who valued his creature comforts more than biblical priorities, was to turn off the air conditioning.

Tell me what you think: What creature comforts tend to get in the way of your priorities? To leave a comment, just click here.