The Hope Quotient: Measure It. Raise It. You’ll Never Be the Same
by Ray Johnston (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2014)

Ray Johnston delivers a positive message with an upbeat voice. His no-frills writing undergirds a powerful principle that surrounds each chapter:
The truth is, the greatest gift you or I can give anyone is hope. — Ray Johnston
After a brief introduction of why we need hope in a world of discouragement, Johnston dives in to seven elements that help bring hope in your life.
- Recharge your batteries.
- Raise your expectations.
- Refocus on the future.
- Play to your strengths.
- Refuse to go it alone.
- Replace burnout with balance.
- Play great defense.
The message of hope comes across primarily through inspirational stories, with a handful of Bible verses supporting themes that are biblically grounded. Once the factors of maintaining hope are described, the book suggests ways hope can “unleashed” in the home, the workplace, and the world.
In a world drowning with discouragement, our only hope is in Jesus Christ. The book concludes with this essential foundation—which would have been a great place to begin. The seven factors to maintain hope make better sense after we acquire the foundation of hope.
Filled with easy reading and encouraging stories, The Hope Quotient: Measure It. Raise It. You’ll Never Be the Same is a reasonable book about the one thing we all need in order to keep going and finally succeed.