Last week I took a survey of my blog readers about a brand new project I’m releasing soon. As I mentioned, the project will offer virtual tours of the Holy Land with an emphasis on the devotional benefits of such a journey.

(Photo: Early morning at the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem)
Many of you helped me out and participated. Thank you! I’d like to follow up by answering some questions you asked.
Plus—I still need your help with two questions, please.
Answers to Your Questions
What motivated you to come up with a beautiful project like this one you’re about to launch? What are your goals?
I have experienced such joy and help with the Bible through the Bible lands that I wanted to make it accessible to as many people as possible. The target audience is those who cannot go to Israel or those who want to experience it again virtually.
For years, I’ve only shared about through writing and pictures. I’m not moving away from the written word. I still plan to write my blog and (hopefully) more books, but I’m adding video to my online ministry.
When are you finishing the project?
The initial launch will be in April just before Easter, but the project will be ongoing for years—I hope.
When are you going again to Israel?
I’m about to announce the dates for the fall and spring tours to those who have signed up to hear about it first. If you’re interested in being on that list, you can sign up here. You get first shot to grab your seat on the tour and you also get an early bird discount. I’ll send out the announcement this weekend.
Are you thinking virtual reality that requires special 3D equipment?
No, it’s not a virtual reality tour. It’s simply a virtual tour through video—in that I’ll help you experience it as best I can without actually being there. Video and some Web tools will be what we’ll use.
Could one go back and re-listen or replay the tours multiple times?
Would it be something sent via my email similar to your devotions?
Yes, if you sign up you’ll receive an email each time it comes out.
I would like to use this in a small group home setting. What would the length of each project be?
Each video will be about 10 minutes. I’ll release several a month—hopefully.
What would something like this cost?
Still working on the cost, but for those who join as charter members it will be dirt cheap. Plus charter members will get some other surprises I’m working on. I wish it could be free, but traveling to Israel to video costs me significantly. I promise it will not be expensive.
Other Questions
Some of you asked specific questions but because the survey was anonymous, I’m not able to respond to you without making this post huge. Any more questions? If you have more questions, feel free to ask it in the comments section below.
Your answers to my survey went a long way in helping me shape the content of the project. I’m going to surprise you with the results in April—but I think you’ll be very pleased.